How to Create the Best Workout Environment at Home

How to Create the Best Workout Environment at Home

Setting up your environment for success is important for most situations; bedroom for sleeping, apartment for living, office for being productive… How often do people think about creating a healthy environment for working out? Going to a gym or boutique fitness studio gives you limited control of the environment. When you work out at home, the choice is all yours. If you’re practicing yoga to eliminate anxiety, a cluttered environment will not benefit you. Learning how to create a space designated for working out, especially for consistent at-home workouts, will increase your motivation and discipline for taking an online class or doing a workout of your own choosing. These three suggestions can help you create the best workout environment at home. 

At -home Workout


Whether you have a large or small space, the tone of the space can be done with lighting. If you have windows and natural light available, open them! For a morning workout, this can help you wake up quicker and feel more fulfilled. Allowing fresh air into the space can generate peace and connection to the activity. In the evening, dimming the lights can help create a different mood. Maybe turning all of the lights off and lighting a few candles for bedtime yoga is what you need to calm yourself. You’ll notice how important this is in your own environment as well as at fitness boutiques with a variety of lighting for different genres of classes or sections of class. 

Clean Space

One of the most important factors in creating a workout space is making sure you have the room to do so. Having a cluttered space will cause lack of focus, increased stress, and a possible injury hazard. Since much of exercise is a mind-body experience, decluttering your space will help clear your mind and center your energy on the actions your body is working towards. If you have a small space, think about adding shelves on your walls and building up instead of out. If you organize your space before beginning a workout, it will be one less thing for your mind to wander off about. In a home, apartment or hotel room, this should be done before choosing to workout. Putting away a few items will pay off more than you expect it to. If you have the option, adding plants can help purify the air as well as increase productivity while you are in the space. Just be spatially aware and avoid putting a plant pot in a spot that will get in your way.


While there are plenty of no-equipment classes available, investing in a few items will help transform your space. Resistance bands, gliders, yoga mat, and light dumbbells are the most common pieces of equipment used by instructors during on demand classes. There are also tablet holders to create an elevated, hands-free position for viewing online classes. If you don’t have a TV or laptop to watch class videos on, a table holder is important and very helpful. Resistance bands and gliders are great, compact, options for traveling with if you are planning on working out in a hotel room. 

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A great workout environment is a space that you can focus in without distractions, have room to move around in, and be filled with any equipment you may need. Working out is important for more than just your physical health, and we want to give you the suggestions and ideas that you need to be able to workout in a self-created workout space. If you are using your JETSWEAT account for classes, be sure to login to your JETSWEAT account to get viewing access to live and on-demand classes!

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